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Saving Smart — Year-Round — at Top National Retailers!

Log in right now for unlimited savings!

Welcome to SavingSmartSM, an online discount program that puts great deals right at your fingertips every single day of the year — simply register your credit cards, shop online through the SavingSmart website and save — just like that!

When you visit, smart shoppers like you can access significant discounts whenever you shop — and on pretty much anything you might be looking for!

•Save 5% on gift cards to over 50 of your favorite
  retailers and restaurants


•Plan your getaways with low, low rates on all your
  travel needs

•Enjoy special, members-only, seasonal
  deals at popular stores


Just log in to SavingSmart right here, right now to save!


Savings at a Snap (well, click)!

Imagine a world where all you had to do to save online was to log in to a website and pick the stores, restaurants and even travel destinations where you wanted to save. Where, with just a few clicks of your mouse, you could enjoy unlimited savings on fashion, food, fun and a whole lot more.

Okay, stop imagining. You've come to the right place. With AP9*SavingSmart, you can just log in and — voilà! — a world of savings opens up to you. And not just savings on this CD, that dress or those power tools, but, savings on every single item in every single store in our Gift Card Shopping Mall. Thanks to these discounts, not to mention our great travel fares, theme park deals and timely online offers, "Saving Smart" is more than just a nice name for a membership program; it's a whole new way of shopping.

Why pay full price?
log in now to start saving at SavingSmart!